Sunday, July 19, 2015

Camp Week 7: Sandia Mountain and The Summer Thus Far

Overlooking northern Albuquerque is a single mountain by the name of Sandia, whom refuses to see other mountains because he "doesn't want to settle". Casey and I drove to the summit and hiked along it's ridge, because nature.

Hermit Thrush [Birdus Alonus]

New Mexico is a magical place that has a bunch of mountains, mesas, and really hip radio stations that run PSAs for dust storm safety.


This summer is nearing a close, and I wanted to post, like, bunches of pictures about my experiences here at camp, not just my weekend gallivants 

I sleep here sometimes!
Sometimes I sleep here! Or maybe just to hang out. Because Hammocks!

Or sometimes I spend my time in a bush when the campers are trying to find me.

 I'm one of the few guys who volunteer to run arts and crafts, but it's mah favourite!
Here are some of things the kids have made.

This was already posted once but it's a UNICORN FARTING GLITTER!
Look at this flower! LOOK AT IT! IT'S SO PRETTY!

One of the campers made Lilo's Doll [Scrump} from Lilo and Stitch [one of my favourite Disney movies]!

One of the guy counselors Napoleon Dynamiting so hard.
You keep on, you jitterbug, you.

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