Sunday, July 26, 2015

Camp Week 8: Glorieta Baldy

From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Go on up, baldy!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. And he went up the mount and from there returned to Samaria.
2 Kings 2:23-25 [NIV]

This particular passage assures me two things
 1. Being bald gives me bear-wielding super-powers
 2. I need to "go on up, Baldy" up I go Glorieta Baldy

And what a trip it was. Our beautiful almost 13 mile, 3,000 vertical ft hike began to a beautiful symphony of birds
"Good Morning." called the Steller's Jay
"How are you, today?" chirped the Hermit Thrush
"Turn back now, before it's too late." whistled the Raven

It was nice to have Casey along for the escapade. My rage and jealousy burned against him and I murdered him once we reached peak at a stunning 10,300 ft above sea level. 
It was quite the hike, and a wonderful way to end a weekend before another week of camp.

Our camp, where we began our hike, looked so small from the peak of Glorieta Baldy.
No one would hear Casey's screams from here.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Camp Week 7: Sandia Mountain and The Summer Thus Far

Overlooking northern Albuquerque is a single mountain by the name of Sandia, whom refuses to see other mountains because he "doesn't want to settle". Casey and I drove to the summit and hiked along it's ridge, because nature.

Hermit Thrush [Birdus Alonus]

New Mexico is a magical place that has a bunch of mountains, mesas, and really hip radio stations that run PSAs for dust storm safety.


This summer is nearing a close, and I wanted to post, like, bunches of pictures about my experiences here at camp, not just my weekend gallivants 

I sleep here sometimes!
Sometimes I sleep here! Or maybe just to hang out. Because Hammocks!

Or sometimes I spend my time in a bush when the campers are trying to find me.

 I'm one of the few guys who volunteer to run arts and crafts, but it's mah favourite!
Here are some of things the kids have made.

This was already posted once but it's a UNICORN FARTING GLITTER!
Look at this flower! LOOK AT IT! IT'S SO PRETTY!

One of the campers made Lilo's Doll [Scrump} from Lilo and Stitch [one of my favourite Disney movies]!

One of the guy counselors Napoleon Dynamiting so hard.
You keep on, you jitterbug, you.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Camp Week 6: DA BEARS! and the Zoo/Museum in Albu...q..u...e...something

   This week, due to an abundance of campers [a fantastic problem to have], I and another core staff ended up counseling this week. We were assigned bear cabin, and the campers were our cubs. At the end of the week, many of the children told me how much fun they had in our cabin. As they told stories about the songs, chants, and games we had in our cabin, I wondered if they also took to heart the bible lessons we taught as well...
   When I reflected on my own time as a camper at summer camp, there wasn't much I remember from my experience. The things I do remember are usually random and inconsequential: The story of my death in card game 'Mafia', which cabin bunk had all the "swears" carved in it, and a dance frequently used by one of my counselors. However, I also don't remember much about my English class, and I can speak and write ... ... good, so I hope my campers still get something from their week here besides a catchy chant we used to help us walk through rain...

...Bears don't care about rain - Nuh-uh!
Bears don't care about rain - Nuh-uh!
We got thick hides
We got dry eyes
I said bears don't care about rain
Before the week started, some of the team went in to Albuquerque to visit the zoo and museum of natural history. While I normally just pick three or so pictures to use, I like ALL THE AMINALS!

See no evil, Speak no evil, and Hear no Tiny Tim

"If one more kids does the Afro-circus song..."

"Did you know that my coffee would be cold by the time it reached the bottom of my throat? You didn't know that did you? No. You only care about yourself..."

Helicopter parenting your child because it didn't turn out to be the little miss beauty pageant 2008 you thought she would be.

"Bird, I'm Fabulous!"

Diabetes: Now in different colour options!


"Dad, how come Mom said I couldn't have a Polar Bear?"
"Because your Mom smothers dreams, Sport."
"Oh, hi there! Welcome to my home! Maybe next time we can go to your house, and I can walk in unannounced while YOU'RE going to the bathroom!"

"You kids want to buy some drugs?!"

It's a good thing only the bones remain, because Todd, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, was ugly as a bag of gravy. 

... ...Now Kiss.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Camp Week 5: Apache Canyon

Sometimes it's the little things that get you through the week. Perhaps it's two boxes of artisan doughnuts from parents of the campers on pick-up. Maybe it's 105.1 FM, the all-day all-Mariachi radio station. Or maybe it's hiking and climbing through the Apache Canyon. 

Pikachu, hanging from AJ's chalk bag, is his climbing companion.